Selected Exhibitions and Presentations
“Enhancing Creativity and Connection Through Mindful Seeing” (lecture and slide show). Contemplative Practices for Higher Education, Mount St. Mary’s College, Maryland. February 2022.
Louisiana Images. Baton Rouge General Hospital / Pennington Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. September 2019-present. 24 photos.
Begin Beneath Your Feet: A Photographic Journey Through Four Lands. Loyal Jones Appalachian Center, Berea College, Berea, KY. February 2020-December 2021. 115 photos.
What Endures: Photographs from an Uncertain Time. Lexington Art League at The Loudon House, Lexington, KY. September-October 2021. 5 photos.
“To the Ice! Images of Antarctica” (lecture and slide show). Bristol, TN and Berea, KY, 2018-22.
Selected Publications on Contemplative Photography
“’Going Out into the World to Find Wonders’: Nature as a Source of Generation, Regeneration, and Community.” Academia From the Inside: Pedagogies for Self and Other. Ed. Maureen P. Hall and Aubrie K. Brault. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 121-48.
“Reading the Word, the Self, the World: Lectio and Visio Divina as a Gateway to Intellectual and Personal Growth.” The Whole Person: Embodying Teaching and Learning Through Lectio and Visio Divina. Ed. Jane E. Dalton, Maureen P. Hall, and Catherine Hoyser. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. 49-60.
“Seeing mindfully: Fostering Creativity and Connection through Contemplative Photography. The Mindful Eye: Contemplative Pedagogies in the Visual Arts. Ed. M. Garbutt and N. Roenpagel. Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Research Networks, 2018. Chapter 1.
“Begin Beneath Your Feet” – tour with Libby Falk Jones